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As a wrinkle forms, it presses against capillaries. Over time our capillaries break down and become weak. With each broken capillary, blood surrounds the area causing poor drainage. This is what causes us to have

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Oblikovanje: 06/05/2010 13:39
Update: 06/05/2010 13:42
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Člen: IMPROVE THE LOOK OF YOUR EYES WITH EYEVIVEâ„¢ Learn More - 06/05/2010 13:41

Why is Eyevive™ so effective?

Reduce Eye Bags With EyeviveAs a wrinkle forms, it presses against capillaries. Over time our capillaries break down and become weak. With each broken capillary, blood surrounds the area causing poor drainage. This is what causes us to have dark circles. Through the micro circulation technology used in Eyevive, which normalizes drainage and circulation around the eye, and our capillaries are resuscitated to their original glory. Less broken capillaries equates to less dark circles and ultimately, fewer wrinkles.

Eyevive helps to produce collagen that naturally decreases with age. This thickens the skin underneath the eyes, restoring suppleness, elasticity and vitality. Resulting in dramatic reduction of puffiness and bags. Eyevive™ has proven to not only slow the signs of aging, but to rejuvenate skin and reduce fine lines, wrinkles and dark circles that other products have been unable to treat.

Here is what Eyevive™ will do for you!

  • Significantly reduce the wrinkles around your eyes
  • Reduces the appearance of eye bags by helping
    to relieve the accumulation of fluid
  • Increases the firmness around your eyes
  • Reduces your dark circles, puffy and baggy eyes
  • Helps to rebuild tissue strength and your skin's thickness
  • Deeply hydrates your skin so that it retains
  • moisture throughout the day
  • Helps neutralize free radicals that is aging your skin
  • Helps your eye contour look brighter, smoother, hydrated
    and more youthful
  • Will greatly prevents any further premature aging

Eyevive™ Success Stories

  1. I had a friend that used your Eyevive for her overall face regimen and she was ranting and raving about how well it worked. I have to tell you I was not disappointed after using it for 3 weeks with positive results. My face has a more vibrant look and the wrinkles are almost totally gone. Great product!.- Nancy M., Toronto, Canada

  2. My daughter turned me onto an amazing eye cream called Eyevive and being the product junkie that I am I decided to explore try the company’s Extreme Beauty Makeover System using an both Eyevive and the anti-aging product Dermaxin. I am beside myself with the significant results I have experienced with the two. My husband is so amazed with the way I look, THANK YOU for making such great beauty creams!! Isabelle T., Oregon

Learn More About Eyevive